Our Products
We Service What We Sell
Industrial cooling units with integral packaged DX cooling
ICE WESTERN Provides a complete line of industrial cooling units for industrial and institutional users.
Explosion proof and hazardous location HVAC
ICE WESTERN provides a complete line of industrial explosion proof heating and cooling units for industrial and institutional users.
Indirect fired make-up air units with integral packaged DX cooling
ICE WESTERN with over 50 years of proven indirect fired heater experience behind us, offer a comprehensive product line of heating and cooling make-up air units, custom VAV rooftop equipment, and Multi-Zone units with integral packaged DX cooling.
Direct fired make-up air units with integral packaged DX cooling
ICE WESTERN with over 50 years of proven direct fired heater experience behind us, offer a comprehensive product line of direct fired equipment with integral packaged DX cooling ranging from 600 CFM to 170,000 CFM.
Custom Air Handling & Heat Recovery
ICE WESTERN catalogs a comprehensive product line of custom air handling equipment with and without integral packaged DX cooling.
Scrubbers (Adsorbers)
ICE WESTERN provides a complete line of industrial scrubbers and adsorbers for industrial and institutional users.
Desiccant Dehumidifers
ICE WESTERN with over 50 years of proven direct fired heater and process heater experience behind us, found it was the logical evolution for the development of desiccant dehumidification equipment and the process heater for reactivation of the desiccant dehumidification wheels.

Contact our HQ
9765 – 54th Street S.E
Calgary, AB T2C 5J6
Phone: 403-252-5577
Fax: 403-252-5556