Ice Western
Explosion proof and hazardous location HVAC
For industrial and institutional users
ICE WESTERN provides a complete line of industrial explosion proof heating and cooling units for industrial and institutional users. With over 50 years of proven service to the oil and gas companies in Northern Alberta and BC, ICE Western has provided the highest levels of construction and product innovation to serve our customers. Highly customized units are designed to meet the specific needs of the end user. Standard product offering ranges from 600 CFM to 150,000 CFM and 1 Ton to 180 Ton nominal DX cooling capacity. Units are available in a wide array of ozone friendly refrigerants. (410a, 407c, 134a). Heating is available with electric heater, glycol heating coils, and steam coils. Cooling is available with chilled water or DX cooling coils. Cooling units with integral DX cooling utilize scroll compressors.

Units are customized and constructed to meet the harshest environments. Units are designed meet Class 1 Division 1 and 2, Groups B,C, and D, and Class II Division 1 and 2, Groups E,F, and G. All units are provided with direct drive plenum fans and explosion proof motors. All the wiring is run inside rigid threaded conduit, color coded and individually number tagged on each end to JIC standards.
Units are available in vertical wall mounted arrangements as well as horizontal roof mounted models. Explosion proof HVAC air conditioners for Class 1 are available for indoor and outdoor use.